Internships and Externships

Victor M. Glasberg & Associates selects law clerks to work during the academic semester and each summer on civil rights and public interest cases being handled by the firm. The clerks typically do factual and legal research, draft memos, review motions and briefs, and assist with document processing and case preparation. Clerks are encouraged to attend depositions, court hearings and trials taking place during their tenure. In past years, clerks have helped interview witnesses in the office, in homes, and in prison. Externs participate remotely as fully as possible via Zoom. All clerks meet at least once a week, on-site or via Zoom, with the firm supervisor to discuss ongoing and new work.
The position is unpaid (financially – the payment in professional growth is invariably substantial). Depending on the school and time of year, clerks may be funded by school pro bono clerkship programs, or given academic credit following supervisor’s confirmation of work done. In past years the firm has received clerks studying at American, Columbia, George Mason, George Washington, Georgetown, Harvard, Vanderbilt, William and Mary, and Yale Law Schools.
Applications for clerkships are received until the positions are filled. Interested persons should send the firm an email and attach a resume, a brief writing sample, contact information for two references, and a cover letter explaining the applicant’s professional interests and goals.